Who remembers when they first got their ears pierced? I do. I was 13 (after begging my mum for two years, four months, eight days and six hours she'd finally given in). Never was I so happy that sat in my local Claire’s with a woman holding a gun to my lobe. And I left with some shiny ball bearings in each ear happy as Larry.
Last month I was back in the piercing seat (some 15 years later, still at Claire's!), to get several more holes pushed made in each ear, and was equally delighted with my new gold hooped lined lobes. OK, so they don't look quite as ace as blogger Pandora Sykes' (@pinsykes) photographed below, nor anything like model Daria Werbowy, who has a cluster of small gold rings in her upper ears, but I bloody love them. And I'm not alone, it seems so does the world of fashion for SS15.
READ MORE: Septum Piercings: Everything You Need To Know About The Piercing of 2016

You see, body adornments are taking a slightly non-committal turn this season (thank god!) – if 2014 was the year of tattoos (Cara with that ace ‘BACON’ tattoo, made it so); well SS15 is all about the piercings. Think low-key studs, multiple ear piercings (right up the lobe), noses, brows and even – shock horror – the belly button.
Love your lobes
Ears have been a fashion focal point for some time now. Ear cuffs were everywhere for AW14 but now the trends coming in to fruition include a single statement earring, like the ones seen on the runway at Celine and Louis Vuitton. Or cartilage piercings like the lovely Emma Watson and blogger Beauty Crush (below). Further proof of statement ears were seen at last night's SAG awards where Emma Stone and Keira Knightley both stepping on to the carpet with Repossi earings lining up their ears.

The Brow Row
But it's not just about the ears. No siree, the brow ring is back too. It’d be fair to say that all started at the Rodarte show when models were sent down runways with hoops (fake ones!) covering their brows. We predict more subtle looks taking to the street. One brow, one hoop – think J from 5ive for reference (this will be the only time I will reference J as a style icon, promise).

Be Nosey
Noses are totally back too. Kendall walked around last year's Coachella festival with a huge one hanging from her nostrils, and we saw them crop up on the AW14 catwalks, plus Rihanna and Zoe Kravitz (@zoeisabellakravitz) revealed a septum piercing recently too. Add to that two the The Debrief team have had their nose pierced in the past few weeks, what more proof do you need?

The Belly Button Piercing Returns
One piercing trend that is yet to make a full fashion return – but we're confident that will – is the belly ring. With the continung ’90s reign and number of crop tops out there for SS15 it can't be long away.

I got mine pierced at 17 and my mum cried for two days saying I looked like Christina Aguilera in the Dirrty video' (It's still the best compliment she's ever paid me). Sadly I've long since taken the ring out, wimp I am. And there in truth lies the real beauty of this trend – if you change your vibe, you just take them out. SS15 needn't last forever.
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Follow Lena On Twitter: @lenadecasparis
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.