You'd think there would come a time, as a fully-fledged adult, that packing for a holiday would become easy. Second nature, y'know? Gone are the days you'd chuck in a bikini, an inflatable drinks holder and think you were pretty set-up for a two week holiday. Not so. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that shit does not get easier.
Don't worry though, because shopping sudoku can actually ease the pain a little by teaching you how to buy nine items which will create six outfits for a pretty reasonable £188.97. NB: packing swimwear goes without saying.

Ashley Strappy Off The Shoulder Woven Top in White, £16, Boohoo
Fringe Cross Body Bag in Brown, £17 (sale, so hurry!), Miss Selfridge
Silence + Noise Deep-Cut Black Blouse, £36, Urban Outfitters
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.