The Erdem show took place this morning, and while we were really into the clothes (think antique looking floral tea dresses worn with flat knee high boots - presumably so you can leg it around your English country manor) it was the set that really got everyone talking. Think a cool Scandi apartment in the Seventies, with tonnes of orange, wicker, velvet and old vinylls. Here's our cheat sheet as to how to get the look in your very own very little living room.

It's All About The Lamp
There were tonnes of lamps dotted around the set, and lighting is important to set the vibe of your space, so you need to think carefully about your lamp choice. This tripod walnut one from is the right side of contemporary but still feels like it could have been kicking around 40 years ago. If you're not keen on wood, then pick a ceramic style in an oversized square shape - either way you need to go for a clean, structured design - no frilly lampshades please.
Source Seventies Inspired Accessories
This paint splotched vase is a good example of the kind of accessories you're going to want to have knocking about - think white with daubs of seventies inspired shades - orange, navy, bottle green and yellow are all good choices.
Get Yourself A Retro Radio
Retro radios don't have to be the posh leather ones, this one from Argos is just £29.99, and will add a whole heap of authenticity to your overall look.
Throw In Some Velvet
Erdem had velvet cushions AND a velvet throw chucked over their sofa, but you don't have to spend a fortune on velvet for it to look expensive - check out Zara Home for quality looking cushions, and Habitat have some great options too.
Find An Old School Telephone
A land...what? A land...line?? Yes, we know you've barely heard of actual phone cables that come into your house from the outside world, but this is how your parents used to communicate. Even if you don't plug it in, a big old proper put your finger in the holes phone will make you smile. Plus it will be a good show and tell item when your mates come around.
Use Vintage Suitcases To Hide Your Crap
Vintage suitcases seemed a bit passe before the Erdem show, but his stack of six white cases made them look like a fresh option again. They're cheap, too, and you can put all that crap that you keep lying around your coffee table in there.
Buy A Psychadelic Printed Chair
Ok so we know you're not going to buy a chair lightly, they're a bit of an investment, but you don't have to buy new - you can find old chairs in good nick for virtually nothing on Gumtree or Freecycle, and have them upholstered. FYI, upholstering can also be pricey, but it might be cheaper than buying new. If you can't be bothered with the faff, then check out this peacock chair from
Chair, £299,, vase, £35, Habitat, radio, £29.99, Argos, cushion, £45, Habitat, telephone, £49.95, suitcase, £7.50, lamp, £49,
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.