The words ‘sexy’ and ‘Santa’ don’t exactly go hand in hand, do they? In fact, the two combined conjure up images more akin to a pot-bellied, beer-swilling regular from your local dressed up ‘for a laugh’ than an actually hot man.
Thankfully, the Toronto model Paul Mason (who also goes by the alias ‘Fashion Santa’) is nothing like the above, and is actually rather attractive. And by rather attractive, we mean OMFG LOOK AT HIM, LOOK AT HIM NOW.

The model, who has worked in the industry for over 30 years, has collaborated with Yorkdale mall and is the star of the shopping centre’s holiday campaigns.
Despite climbing up the hotness scale, Fashion Santa has still kept his sense of goodwill, and for every person who snaps a selfie with him and posts it on social media with the hashtag #YorkdaleFashionSanta, Yorkdale will donate $1 to the SickKids Foundation.
Steering away from tradition, this Kris Kringle has shunned the red suit for more high fashion items. He’s been spotted modelling for luxury brands in the likes of an olive green long line coat, fitted blazers and many a blanket scarf. Très Chic.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.