Forty, schmorty. Kate Moss does nothing to dispel the image that she would still win world-class party awards, in a rare interview with photographer and long-time friend Nick Knight for his ShowStudio 'Subjective' series. 'I'm a fabulous scapegoat!' she protests. 'My friends are like, "Ugh, it's Kate's fault I am hungover." And I'm like, "Yeah, right! You didn't even see me."'

In fact, Kate says quite a lot about being a victim of blame culture – like the press-imposed label as postergirl for the heroin-chic uberwaif movement. And she's actually pretty sanguine about it. 'I was just really young and thin. My daughter is tiny. My mum said she was as skinny as me, when she was my age. And that's what my daughter says to me now! She's like, "Yeah, okay, you were really thin!" But I was just a teenager, working in fashion. They didn't really feed you. You didn't have catering... I was really embarassed about my body. Really self-conscious. I was 15. It came out while I was at school, but they didn't have The Face at my newsagent in Croydon.'
She also gets all nostalgic about The Face years – how natural and relaxed it all was, back then before shoots (and perhaps, the interpretation of her image) became 'contrived'. 'Ahhh it's so cute. It seems a hundred years ago. It was 1990. We had so much fun doing those shoots. [Corinne and I] were best friends.[The Face] was her proper first shoot [too] so she didn't know what I was doing.' And, she admits, it wasn't all pretty, 'Some of it was pretty skanky. But Corinne wanted to get [the shoots] into fashion magazines, because it was her rebellious thing.'
There are three things we really love about this interview, though. One is how genuinely _un_arrogant she seems about her success. 'I don't understand [why I sell magazines],' she mumbles, before adding quickly, 'Let's not question it! I don't want it to go.' Secondly, we like that she's wearing a pair of Hollywood-worthy sunglasses – but because she's clearly a tiny bit self-conscious about doing a filmed interview. And thirdly, she asks Nick Knight for 'mates rates' about a piece of art he is selling. We can't imagine Gisele joshing with Mario Testino about mates rates.
Anyway, you should just watch the video. Because Kate comes across as pretty great. And, potentially, a touch more lucidly than she did with Johnny Depp on The Big Breakfast in the '90s. Which, by the way, totally deserves another watch.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.