Before 2020, Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford was most famous for his on-pitch performances. This year, the striker has become an outspoken advocate for child food poverty – his government petition to extend access to free school meals during holiday periods has received over 1 million signatures – and, as of today, he has partnered with Burberry to offer more help to young people across the world.
The partnership with Rashford will see Burberry roll out an ambitious initiative to nurture the next generation who are emerging into a world that has been rocked by the pandemic.

As well as continuing to support FareShare, the food poverty and food waste charity, by funding over 200,000 meals across 11,000 communities and groups across the UK, Burberry is supporting youth organisations in London, Manchester and New York. The two groups in Manchester, Norbrook Youth Club and Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, played a significant role in Rashford's childhood. The groups will be coming together to help local charities in Wythenshawe, an area south of the city centre, where the clubs are based and where the footballer grew up.
Burberry is also partnering with the International Youth Foundation, an organisation that prepares and empowers young people to succeed as citizens, employees, entrepreneurs, and change-makers, to contribute to its Global Youth Resiliency Fund, a special fund that is a direct result of the global coronavirus crisis.
The campaign’s final touch is an open letter from Rashford. Addressed to himself at 10 years old, it is full of encouragement and reassurance that his family, which includes his extended community, will always be there to support him without judgement. ‘Feel the warmth of those around you and know that one day, you are going to have the platform to repay them. For a young boy who says so little, one day you will have a voice that speaks for many.'
Ways To Help End Food Poverty UK - Grazia

Help out FareShare
A charity Marcus Rashford is ambassador for, FareShare redistributes surplus food to charities that turn it into meals. You don't just have to donate, you can also volunteer your time to help them too.

Write to your MP
You don't just have to donate money, writing to your MP to ask what they are doing about food hunger is just as important. If your MP voted against extended free school meals, you're more than entitled to ask why and express your anger as a constituent they represent. WriteToThem makes this process easier than ever, simply type in your postcode to find your MP and you'll be met with every elected representative responsible for your area. Simply find your MP, click their name and you'll be directed to a form where you can write whatever you choose to your MP. Your taxes pay their salaries, your votes keep them in or out of office, you deserve to express your voice in how they represent you.

The Trussel Trust
Just like FareShare, the UK's leading food hunger charity the Trussell Trust need more than just donations. Check out their 'ways to give' and 'volunteer' pages to see all the ways you can help them end food hunger.