Did you forget to think up an adequate Halloween costume again? Of course you did. What are you like?
Don't worry guys, we've been there before. Hell, we're there now. So we've decided to save your day (and ours) by creating these Snapchat masks which you can literally make into a costume in less than five minutes.
You're welcome.
The Puppy Snapchat Filter Halloween Costume
This guy's easy. Click on this link to get a printable version of the below and cut out the nose, the ears and the tongue.

Get yourself an old school alice band and tape the ears onto it using the flaps. Then, make a backwards roll of sellotape and tape the nose to your nose. Take the tongue and tape it onto a cocktail stick length-wise, pop the cocktail stick in your mouth and bob's your uncle.

The Deer Snapchat Filter Halloween Costume
Similar vibes to above. Click on click this linkto get a printable version of the below and cut out the ears and the t-zone.

Tape the ears to an alice band using the tabs, making sure to place them closer to your actual ears than with the puppy and tape the t-zone to your face with two rolls of backwards tape. Draw the eyelashes on with eyeliner like this.

The Flower Crown Snapchat Filter Halloween Costume
And for the ultimate lazy girl costume, print out this and use a pencil to make holes in the two tabs. Thread a ribbon or stretchy elastic through both sides and tie at the back of your head. Finish by dusting your face with a buttload of shimmer dust.

Thread a ribbon or stretchy elastic through both sides and tie at the back of your head. Finish by dusting your face with a buttload of shimmer dust.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.