As you know,Versace's spring summer 2015 campaign stars none other than Madonna and the world was (once again) agog. Hello abs and super-toned arms! Well, it turns out Madge didn't need any help from the airbrushers, according to Donatella Versace.
The Italian designer revealed: "She did not have her abdomen or arms retouched. As for artistic direction? "I told her: You don't have to be only sexy. I want you like I know you: a vulnerable person who is afraid, who suffers from loneliness and yet is strong, determined, and fearless. In these photos, she is."
Madonna follows in the footsteps of Lady Gaga, who vamped it up in front of the lens for the brand's autumn winter 2013 ads. And, most intriguingly, Madge was more low-key than you might think.

"With Lady Gaga [it] was a bit more complicated," Donatella Versace told Italian paper Corriere Della Sera. "She focuses on transformation and charisma and risks for this, always. So the final approval of the photo was a melee. But Madonna, absolutely not. I did believe that there were only the set and the filters and the rest. Then, she did everything in the studio in New York."
What's more, Madonna is donating the proceeds from the campaign to charity - an admirable move considering many celebrities will pocked hundreds of thousands of pounds to star in luxury fashion campaigns. "I think of Madonna and her hospital in Malawi," Versace said, "Which is where the remuneration from our campaign will be going."
Uncomplicated, charitable and no need for Photoshop? What a woman.