This Grey Dress Will Make Your Mornings Easier Forever

Wondering WTF to wear?

This Grey Dress Will Change Your Mornings Forever

by Charlie Byrne |
Published on

Some dresses are high maintenance. They require a particular shoe, or something under them or over them or next to them or god knows what to make you not look like the Queen Mother or a pre-pubescent child. This is not one of those dresses. This is the sloth of the dress world. It's so chilled out; all it requires is that you wear shoes. Of any description. It will happily attend weekend lunches, cinema trips, gigs, and isn't scared of a hard days work when paired with a pair of slick looking flats. No more arguing with difficult customer dresses in the mornings. Meet your happy morning dress.


Dress, £125, COS

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Follow Charlie on Twitter @Charliebyrne406

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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