Destiny's Child were the queen of dressing kind of the same but a bit different. They were the benchmark by which every subsequent girlband set themselves. Sure they sometimes looked absolutely mental but you know what kids? They always matched damnit. They always matched.
The Leatherettes
For when you want to drop a weight class for your next boxing match and you plan on sweating it all out overnight.

Never Been Kissed
Legit the exact outifts Jessica Alba and co wore to dress up as Malibu Barbies in Never Been Kissed. Should have come as a chain of DNA like the cool kids. Now THAT would have been so rufus.

Handy because if after your awards show you find yourself on a fishing trawler on the waters outside Nova Scotia, you can just unhook the netting of your outfit and muck in with the trout haul. Seaman Sam and his salty pals aren't going to let you stowaway for free you know.

Double erm.
When you're not dealing with getting old very well so you crash your little brother's Boy Scout camp and get off with the Akela.

Rodeo Romeo
Nope, not Beyonce, Michelle and Kelly's first day on the farm under the watchful eyes of Old Blue the ranch hand. No. Michelle, Beyonce and Kelly are in a studio in New York City's Times Square. These out of towners never know how to do city chic.

Ladies Who Lunch
Philanthropic community offerings, cheating husbands and how much gin is too much gin before noon was on the agenda at this installment of the Rich Ladies Who Have Rich Husbands But Are Bored Out Of Their Minds luncheon.

Give up
I mean, that's not even real suede is it?

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.