Fashion Stuff Instagram Makes Us Think Is A Good Idea But Probs Won’t Work Down The Pub

Great on Instagram, does not equal great down your local

Fashion Stuff Instagram Makes Us Think Is A Good Idea But Probs Won’t Work Down The Pub

by Lena deCasparis |
Published on

Picture this: you’re having a casual Saturday scroll of Instagram and you see some super fit fashion girl, looking super fit in her fit fashion clothes. How much can we say fit? Fit.

Anyhow so far, so fit. Then you think, ‘Hey, I know, I’m going to try one of these looks for the pub tonight.’ And therein lies the problem.

You see, the shit fashion girls wear looks great on Instagram. It probably even looks great on the streets when smizing to some fashion cocktails. But it doesn’t look quite so good down your local ‘Blind Dog and Two Butchers’.

Nope, sorry to break it to you, but copying your fave gal on Instagram will not guarantee style success. In fact, the only thing it probably will guarantee is a bit of a ribbing from your mates.

Here’s just a few of the current trends to be wary of:

An Old Blanket Off The Sofa


‘Anything Burberry does, I can do better’ should not be a life slogan. Ditch it. The fact is if you wrap yourself in a big blanket and go outside the house, your friends are simply going to think you CBA’d to actually get dressed that morning. And while this may well actually be true, it’s not a fresh look.

Stay true to the coat, it’s been kind to you and kept you warm and out of the rain all your life so far, why give it up now?

The Fashion Hat


Fashion hats look so bloody cool. On other people that is. One friend tried to make the fedora thing happen but every time I saw her in her wide brimmed hat inside the pub, I couldn’t help think she looked like a plonker. I mean she was inside?

And let’s be honest here, even Pharrell looked pretty silly – and if he can’t pull it off, no one can.

Head To Toe White


This get-up looks so good on our feed – but I know five minutes in to the pub action and I’d be guranteed to have several sloshes of red wine and some ketchup from my sausage roll down my look. Then there’s the issue of washing it? Nightmare.

A Bandana


Yep, Harry wears one in his hair Keith Richards-style, Kendall is partial to one round her neck, and every fashion blogger has one that they wear with a Breton tee. And yes, they look good.

But when I tried it a few weekends back I was met with, ‘Are you part of gang these days?’ and ‘Sacre bleu, look at you!’

Who knew such a small square of fabric could have such a big impact.

The Faux Fur Scarf Thing


Ah, the faux fur slug. It was a major trend for AW14, and one that’s not going anywhere for spring. What is the point of it? Absolutely zero, bar looking super soft and furry and basically, acting as a pet stand in if you’re worried, like me, you’d kill anything that lives.

However – ahain – not one for the pub. Your mates will laugh, and it will get beer spilt on it and end up looking soggy.

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Pictures: @TheHautePursuit, @pinsykes @lookdepernille @goldendiamonds @Fashion_Me_Now

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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