You Can Still Buy The Lipstick Jennifer Aniston Wore On Friends

MAC have been selling this product for years, apparently unaware of its cultural significance!

You can still buy the lipstick Jennifer Aniston wore on Friends

by Miranda Aldersley |
Published on

It seems like we just can’t get enough of 90’s nostalgia at the moment, with all our old favs coming out of the woodwork (shout-out to the Juicy Tracksuit!) And now, with her usual spot-on timing, Jennifer Aniston has let us in on the exact brand of lipstick she wore on the set of Friends – everyone’s favourite time machine to the pre-internet age.

Speaking to Glamour about 90’s fashion fads, Jen said the one she would scrap forever would be “Tiny sunglasses. I just think they’re ridiculous. I’m not a fan of those little tiny spectacles; I’m a fan of classic sunglasses. That was very ’90s, wasn’t it? When you would see those little tiny frames, those were brought back from the John Lennon days. They’re always sort of regurgitating trends. How about MAC’s Paramount lipstick? It was a browny brick. I remember that was my go-to colour when I was doing Friends.”

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She was always the most stylish Friend, and one of a very select few celebrities who wore a hairstyle so iconic it took their name (and “The Rachel” was clearly way better than the “Justin Bieber” or the "Posh Spice bob”). No wonder, then, that this tip from Jen has set the internet ablaze. She might have said it as an afterthought, but for us 90’s enthusiasts, it’s very important.

So, while I slyly put my small-framed sunglasses back in their drawer (one day!) you guys should head over to MAC’s website, where Jen’s favourite is STILL available and can be yours in just a few clicks. It’s a subtle-yet-bold reddish-brown satin lipstick, and costs just £16.50 (meanwhile the “Rachel” will reportedly set you back $600).


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Follow Miranda On Twitter @mirandakate14

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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