All The Cool Fashion Stuff You Can Buy Today For Under A Tenner

Luxury brands are introducing 'affordable' stuff to attract younger customers, but the 300 club still seems pricey to us - so welcome to the £10 club instead


by Charlie Byrne |
Published on

In an effort to ensnare more of us luxury brands are introducing more products around the £300 mark. The idea being that if we develop a taste for the brand when £300 is all we can afford, then we will grow up into fully fledged label whores who will happily drop 2k on a handbag when we're all grown up and rich, no biggie.

Sound like you? Then welcome to the '300 club' - you're part of an ever growing group of consumers who want to buy in to designer labels but don't have a few thouz lying around to pay for the top level designs. Designers like Michael Kors and Fendi who have been singled out as starting the trend - the Dillon tote by Kors (£310) is now on the arm of basically everyone, and Fendi's bag bug charms (effectively a £400 keyring) have also achieved cult status. Even Coach, a luxury leather house previously known for its extremely expensive handbags, now have the mini swagger bag (which by the way, is super cute) that retails for £345.

But the reality is, unless you're going to save up for a good few months/years (come on, will power) then most of us can't afford to be members of the '300 club'. So welcome to our gang - the '10 club'. Not a complex concept, but you here's the gist - all the cool stuff you can get today for under a tenner. You're welcome.

Belt, £6, ASOS, clutch bag, £6.99, H&M, bracelets, £4.99, Stradivarius, nail polish, £6, Topshop, top, £8, Forever 21, head chain, £10, Accessorize, body souffle, £10, & Other Stories

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Follow Charlie on Twitter @Charliebyrne406

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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