Along with shoes and coats, I've always thought bags are something you should invest in. You use them pretty much every day after all so you need something that'll go the distance. And, if you invest right, you could well have it for the rest of your life. But you don't need to go crazy and dump a load of cash on a Mulberry Cara or a Chanel 'WOC' (although that would be nice wouldn't, it?), here's some leather bags that will do the job, without bankrupting you.

2. Bubble Leather Small Clutch, £45, Whistles

3. Leather Panelled Shopper Bag, £45, Topshop

4. Rose Quartz Sugarcube, £55, Zatchels

5. Mini Leather Backpack, £30, ASOS

6. Leather Messenger Bag, £36, Next

7. Leather Backpack, £49.99, Mango

8. Eda Leather Satchel Bag, £45, Oasis

9. Exposed Seam Cross Body Bag, £39, Warehouse

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.