If you want a handbag for under a hundred quid, where do you look? The high street, obviously. But, you run the risk of seeing everyone and their mum wearing the same item. While, it’s lovely to know your taste level is appreciated by one and all, sometimes it’s better to stand out from the crowd. Enter: Charles & Keith.
This Singaporean accessories line is currently flying under-the-radar, which means buying now will get you fashion kudos from editors, stylists and those in the know. Best of all, it’s designs are subtle and minimalist and with an equally appetising price tag to match.
Pointed Mary-Jane Pumps, £49
Push-Lock Shoulder Bag, £59
Chain Detail Sandals, £39
Bucket Shoulder Bag, £69
Square-Toe Heels, £39
Front Flap Backpack, £69
Double Buckle Mule, £49
Tassel Shoulder Bag, £59
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.