Halloween is such an overhyped holiday that the only really decent way to spend Halloween is to stay in, drink red wine and scare all the trick-or-treating kids away with your blue stained mouth. Bah humbug.
But if you do insist on going out, here are some accessories to buy so you don't have to spend all your hard earned cash on an outfit that, let's face it, no one will remember anyway.
1. Bloodstain Necklace, £1.26

2. Crushed Velvet Cape, £8.32

3. Bloodstained White Stockings, £1.50

4. Temporary Tattoos, 5 sheets, £3.99

5. Black Lace Cat Mask, £8.27

6. Corpse Bride Bouquet, £3.13

7. Spray On Blood, £2.45

8. Lace Collar, £1.36

9. 50 Black Spiders, £1.81

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.