There's a lot to be said about tiny treats. No matter how miserable you are this January, or how hard you're trying to resurrect your bank balance after Christmas, spending less than a tenner on something just for you is well worth it.
So pack your lunch for two days, stop wasting unnecessary cash on coffee and buy yourself one of these little somethings.
1. Golden Girls Patch, £6, La La Land

2. Girl Gang Journal, £8, Typo

3. It’s Skin Babyface Highlighter, £6, Urban Outfitters

4. Gin & Tonic Lip Balm, £6, Oliver Bonas

5. Heart Print Socks, £9, Happy Socks

6. Reclaimed Vintage Bandana, £6, ASOS

7. Leather Purse, £9, Topshop

8. Barb Stranger Things Pin, £4, La La Land

9. L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Detox Mask, £6, Boots

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.