7 Ways To Get Your Legs Out When The Sun Is Shining But It’s Still Cold AF

From baring all to just baring a tiny little bit...

7 Ways To Get Your Legs Out When The Sun Is Shining But It's Still Cold AF

by Zoe Cassell |
Published on

The sun has been shining here in London over the past week and frankly it's been making us want to crack out the summer dresses and bare all. In reality, we still can't be arsed to shave our legs. That, and the fact it's still fucking freezing.

Here are the best Instagrammers of the week if you need some inspiration on what to wear in this British weather.

1) Jestem Kaisa

Pairing a striped midi-skirt with trainers and you're guarateed to look effortlessly cool. Still cold? Put your coat on underneath your denim jacket. If it's good enough for Jestem Kasia, it's good enough for us.

2) Thefrugality

Teaming jersey loose cropped trousers with ankle boots and a thick woolen coat for a chic work look. An ankle boot hides a multitude of sins i.e. those thick spotty thermal socks your mum got you for Christmas. Who's laughing now?

3) Chelcienicolem

This high-street short suit looks v. expensive and the rust colour looks great on both blondes and brunettes. It's definitely more of an evening look, but hey you go out in the evenings, so go and buy something glam like this immediately.

4) Shotfromthestreet

Okay, so it's more ankles out but they're part of your legs so it still counts. We want some of Lizzy's sass. Her cropped straight-leg trousers look great with these platform pumps and who said you can't wear black in Spring?

5) Lornaluxe

Not for the faint-hearted. Little denim shorts with wellies and a blazer. Great footwear for those April showers, but maybe we'll leave this outfit until Summer festival season...

**6) ASOS Becky **


**Proving that gingham can be cool. Pile on thick wooly tights and you don't need to shave your legs, you'll stay warm, if your dress blows up passers-by won't see your arse...(the list goes on and on).

7) Megan Ellaby

Getting prepped for summer with a bright print skirt and sock-shoe combo. It takes a lot of confidence to pull off a look like this but Megan does it annoyingly EFFORTLESSLY. If you don't want to bare-leg it, swap those socks for tights. P.s. I need those sunglasses in my life.

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Follow Zoe on Twitter @zocassell

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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