5 Ways To Tackle A (Worrying) Heatwave In February

The weather may be doing some very worrying things but that doesn’t mean your wardrobe has to

What to wear in a winter heatwave

by Hannah Banks-Walker |
Updated on

At risk of dampening the national mood, I’m worried about the heatwave we’re currently experiencing in the UK. If it were July, we’d all be rejoicing that – finally – we knew what summer really felt like. But it’s February, a month usually written off by snow, ice and gloomy grey skies. While warmer temperatures and an unexpected dose of vitamin D feel bloody lovely when you’ve spent the last few months wrapped in a cocoon crafted from black tights, oversized knits and thermal layers, the current climate is undeniably in jeopardy.

As the Green Party's Caroline Lucas wrote in The Independent: 'This warm spell cannot be dismissed as a one-off. This is part of a wider global trend of record-breaking temperatures and increasingly extreme weather patterns – and it’s about time politicians and the media acknowledged that.' That aside, there’s also the very pragmatic worry of what to wear in February when it’s 20 degrees and sunny outside.

Chances are (and according to some reports), the weather will snap back to winter any time soon, so it doesn’t seem logical (or indeed any help to the planet) to rush out and buy a load of stuff you’ll only wear again come August. The answer to all our problems, then, is a mix of trans-seasonal pieces that will work throughout the year and some canny styling tricks to ensure you’re neither too hot nor ridiculously cold on your lunch break.

Here are the five key pieces to invest in now, that you can keep wearing throughout the year..

A Versatile Midi Dress

Is there a harder working piece of clothing? Whether you’re wearing with tights and boots in the winter months or sandals come summer, midis are ideal for every season. Ganni’s brand new styles are all (predictably) fab – just wear now with bare legs, ankle boots and a lightweight jacket over the top. It feels weather-appropriate without being too summery.

Ganni pleated georgette dress

Ganni, Pleated Georgette Midi Dress, £170

A Blacket

Yes, I have just coined a new term. But I feel a blazer/jacket hybrid is just what these current temperatures called for. 20 degrees is definitely too warm for a winter coat. I made the mistake of wearing mine to work – despite the February forecasts essentially telling me not to – and let’s just say it really was an error of judgement. & Other Stories has an excellent selection of wool blazers, which are great on their own right now but can also be layered on top of roll neck jumpers (and thermal layers) when it’s winter again.

& Other Stories wool belted blazer

& Other Stories , Belted Wool Blazer, £129

A Pair Of White Boots

As championed by the likes of ALEXACHUNG, Victoria Beckham and Christopher Kane for SS19, white boots have been the breakout hit of this year so far. Chances are, you’ve seen them dominating your Insta feed, with many pairs selling out faster than they could be re-stocked. They’re perfect for sunnier days; much less heavy than the hiking boots that have become near-ubiquitous, Vagabond’s ankle-hugging pair look just as great with jeans as they do midi skirts and dresses. Plus, the brand has a strong emphasis on sustainability.

vagabond white leather Alice boots

Vagabond, White Alice Ankle Boots, £100

A Boilersuit

After boilersuits experienced a resurgence last year, I’ve come to rely on one regardless of the weather. Obviously, an all-in-one is a ready-made outfit as it is, while any tweaks you may want to make to suit the climate are easily done. When temperatures plummeted before Christmas, I wore mine over a white roll neck with boots, while right now I’m chucking it on with trainers and some gold jewellery. Thicker fabrics like corduroy and heavy duty cotton won’t even require a jacket.

Arket washed cotton blue boilersuit

Arket, Washed Cotton Boilersuit, £135

Wide-Leg Trousers

Suitably breezy and a fine partner for both oversized tees (tucked in) and fine knits, these See by Chloé numbers are also in colour palette of the moment: beige. Wear with trainers by day and swap for some kitten heels by night – you’ll find yourself putting these on come rain or shine.

See by Chloe wide leg trousers

See by Chloé, Checked Twill Wide-Leg Trousers, £285

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