Ever wondered why you perpetually get less than 6.5 hours sleep? If so, you probably live in the South East. Conversely, if you've ever wondered why the rest of the nation are costantly tired, whereas you are always bright-eyed and well-rested, it's probably because you live in Leicestershire.
How so? Let us explain...
Recent research conducted by the University of Leeds and Silentnight on the sleeping habits of the UK, has revealed that people sleep better in certain counties than others. Residents of Leicestershire, for instance, get over 7.5 hours' sleep on average a night, with those in Worcestershire follow hot on their heels at 7 hours.

At the other end of the spectrum, those who live in Herefordshire or East Riding of Yorkshire get the fewest hours slumber - less than 5.5 a night.
The study also revealed that 25% of us get less than 5 hours a night; 2.5 hours under the recommended daily amount. Now if that's not enough to make anyone all like zzzzZZZZZ, what is?
Psychology lecturer Dr Anna Weigall, who led the research, pointed out that districts where long commutes are required are generally those where the fewest hours of sleep were reported; such areas as the Home Counties.
'Our study has revealed that as a nation we are really struggling with our sleep,' Dr Weigall confirmed. 'With all of us receiving around an hour less than we intend to each night, there’s no wonder we are feeling unsatisfied.
'It’s interesting to see that with residents living in Greater London and the Home Counties, we are seeing the biggest difference between intended and actual sleep,' she continued. 'The band of sleepers may reflect commuting behaviour in these areas, with higher numbers of people travelling longer distances to work.
'Furthermore, similar sleep reductions seem prevalent in areas around other big cities across the UK.'
Over 1,000 people participated in the study, uncovering a national bed time average of 10pm, and a national wake time average of 6am. Participants were also asked to mark their sleep out of 10, which uncovered that Worcestershire, Cambridge and Cheshire play host to the happiest sleepers (yeilding a score of 7 or above).
Residents of Northamptonshire, Cornwall and Glasgow, conversely, are the least satisfied slumberers, reporting a score of just 4.
Want to see how your county fares? Check out the interactive map right HERE
And note, if you live in London, select Greater London from the drop-down list.