Your avocado on toast will never taste the same as the great avocado shortage is here! It seems our obsession for Guac has made it the 'diamond of the burrito world' with experts warning crops could be producing up to forty percent less by mid century.
Mexican food giant Chipotle has apparently even warned that guacamole may be taken off the menu in the future. Chipotle apparantly use a staggering 97,000 pounds of avocado a day which adds up to an incredibly 35.4 million pounds of avocado every single year.
The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California say, 'Increasing temperatures in Califormnia in the next 45 years could negatively affect the amount of almonds, walnuts, Oranges, Avocados and grapes.' Apparently these crops all grow on trees or vines that are typically only planted once every 25 - 40 years and in this time significant climate changes can occur.

Never fear because help is on hand. Cue Canadian Daniel Kalliontzis, avocado crusader and knight in shining armour. Daniel after a successful Kickstarter campaign managed to gain the support of 4, 258 backers and bagged a whopping $68, 367 to bring his project to life.
Avoseedo is a niftly little gadget that helps people at home germinate their very own Avocado plants. Daniel's clever little invention comes in a dazzling array of colours and boasts at just how easy it is to watch your baby avocado trees grow. He even says that you can go on vacation and forget about your sprouting little plant as its super low maintenance. We love it!
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