A plethora of gym classes vie for our attention, each claiming – that with mild coercion and contortion – to do immeasurable things to our bodies.
Regular exercise and routine are at the core of medical orthodoxy, and so, we nod along and sign on up. But what if our work outs weren’t eliciting the optimum results?
With USPs and concepts bandied around, it’s no surprise that so many of us fall into the trap of monotony and as a result, plateau not only in result, but also determination and aspiration.
Fear not, change is afoot. Ahead of the fit-pack, trainer to Alessandra Ambrosio, and gym founder Elissa el Hadj, has compelled us to introduce a new discipline into our repertoire of rigour.

Introducing Form Studios, where classes focus on not just one discipline, but three – a combination of Pilates, Yoga and HIIT (high intensity interval training). METCore classes are designed around a piece of equipment called MOTR, which to the uninitiated can best be described as a tube with resistance pulls. And its USP? Anti-ageing – yes, really!
You see, there’s a hormone called HGH, it’s secreted by the pituitary gland and is made up of amino acids. Released most when going through puberty, it triggers the release of secondary hormones that are responsible for strengthening bones, skin elasticity and mental acuity, while decreasing fat accumulation and slowing aging. Elissa’s cleverly concocted workout actively increases the secretion, making for youthful beauty through considered movement.
Your co-ordination, balance and mental agility will be tested, as synchronised leg and arm sequences are completed while finding your feet on the MOTR. Extolling the benefits of an all over mind and body work out, Alessandra Ambrosio has certainly aided Elissa’s plight, but she herself is the biggest testament to her teachings. Svelte, radiant, happy and most certainly healthy, it’s easy to envisage where you could be, should you submit yourself.
Focussed on the kind of vibe that elevates exercise to new heights, this anti-aging work out provides the ultimate benefits barometer. And all in the comfort of a modern and minimalist, sterilely-clean Notting Hill studio...
Londoners, what are you waiting for?
For information on upcoming classes at the gym email *hello@formstudios.co.uk or visit 77 Lonsdale Rd, Notting Hill W11 2DF*.
5 classes £130, 10 classes £230, 20 classes £420, 30 classes £600
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