We’ve Just Realised That Anna Wintour Never Takes This Accessory Off

(And We’re Not Talking About Her Sunglasses)

Anna Wintour necklace accessories jewellery

by Lucy Morris |
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Sure it’s no McDonalds Airtex, but Anna Wintour wears a uniform. Whether she’s watching the tennis, attending a gala or over lording the fashion industry, she sticks to a time-honed outfit formula. Usually, it consists of mules in summer, boots in winter, a printed dress, large, angular sunglasses…and a lilac-stoned necklace. After falling into a Pinterest hole – not embarrassed – I’ve come to realise that much like her dark shades she never takes off this necklace. Not for work, not for play and certainly not for a meeting with HRH Queen Elizabeth II.


Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

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CREDIT: Shutterstock

Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

Reportedly, Wintour found her favourite necklace at British jewellers S.J. Phillips Ltd. It's been estimated to cost $20,000 and to be made from Georgian crystals. The unfalteringly stylish Wintour has rarely taken her violet string of crystals off since December. But, before that, she's been layering it up with similar antique collet necklaces for the best part of the last decade.

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CREDIT: Shutterstock

Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

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CREDIT: Shutterstock

Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

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CREDIT: Shutterstock

Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

Statement jewellery is a concept you're surely acquainted with. The epithet gets whacked in front of earrings, hair slides and whatever else takes the trend-makers fancy, but there is one shadowy corner of our jewellery box that hasn't enjoyed this sobriquet since the fall of Trinny and Susannah. Back in the early 2000s, you'll remember the statement necklace was a no-brainer, as simple a fashion decision as saving for an 'It' bag. But, it's 2018 and Mansur Gavriel taught us stylish handbags don't need to cost a month's rent so needless to say, times have changed. In keeping, Wintour's spenny neckpiece may make a statement – historically, sartorially and financially – but in 2018, for this media matriarch, it's just a bit of day-to-day bling.

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CREDIT: Shutterstock

Anna Wintour Necklace - Grazia

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