More details have emerged about Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid's split. The former One Direction singer has pleaded guilty to harassing his Gigi and her mother Yolanda after an altercation. This morning, Zayn - who shares one-year-old daughter Khai with Gigi - strenuously denied reports that he had struck Yolanda, saying: 'I adamantly deny striking Yolanda Hadid and for the sake of my daughter I decline to give any further details and I hope that Yolanda will reconsider her false allegations and move towards healing these family issues in private.'
However, according to court documents, which have been obtained by TMZ, Zayn was charged with four criminal offences of harassment. The argument is said to have happened at the end of last month, at Zayn and Gigi's home in Pennsylvania. He allegedly called Yolanda a 'f_ing Dutch slut' and told her to 'stay away from [my] f__**_**ing daughter.'
Zayn denies physical contact, but, according to the documents 'shoved her [Yolanda] into a dresser causing mental anguish and physical pain.' He also allegedly screamed at Gigi - 'strap on some f_ing balls and defend your partner against your f_ing mother in my house' - and tried to fight a security guard.
The site reports Zayn pleaded no contest to harassment and was fined, with conditions, on Wednesday. The singer is on probation for 360 days. He cannot contact Yolanda, or the security guard, and must complete an anger management class and domestic violence programme. The judge could terminate probation after six months, if conditions are met.
Zayn and Gigi have had an off/on relationship for six years. Rumours that the pair were dating started swirling in November 2015, when Gigi and Zayn are pictured together leaving Justin Bieber's American Music Awards after-party. But their relationship has been rocky, with the pair officially breaking up (for the first time) in March 2018.
Khai was born in September 2020 - and in July this year, Gigi wrote a statement asking for privacy. 'I write this all to say: to the Paparazzi, press, and beloved fan accounts, you know we have never intentionally shared our daughters face on social media,' she wrote on Instagram. 'Our wish is that she can choose how to share herself with the world when she comes of age, and that she can live as normal of a childhood as possible, without worrying about a public image that she has not chosen.'
READ MORE::a[A Complete Timeline of Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik's Relationship]{href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'}