Zayn Mailk To Be A Producer On New TV Series About A Fictional Boyband

Basically, it's a 'fake' 1D.

Zayn Mailk To Be A Producer On New TV Series About A Fictional Boyband

by Chemmie Squier |
Published on

Since Zayn Malik left One Direction on 25th March, 2015 – because an alien told him, apparently – he's been a busy boy what with his album and everything. Now, he's embarking on a new business venture and it's slightly different kind.

According to The Sun, Zayn has been appointed Executive Producer on a TV series about a One Direction-style boyband.

'This is a big deal for Zayn. He has been keen to get stuck into different projects outside of music and this is the perfect move,' a source told them. 'It’s a subject he knows lots about and he will call upon his experiences to advise the scriptwriters on the show. If the series does well, he’ll receive plenty of kudos in the industry.'

The show is being produced by the same people as the American comedy show Entourage which ended in 2011 but was made into a film that was released last year.

The show, which is yet to be named, will follow fictional boyband as they find their way in the music industry, landing a record deal and becoming superstars. Sound familiar? Apparently they plan to launch the fictional boyband as a genuine music group from the show so, essentially, it sounds like one big advert for this TBC boyband. Casting is due to start in LA next month.

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Follow Chemmie on Twitter @chemsquier

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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