X Factor Star Dropped After ‘Abusing Ex’ And Now She’s Being Trolled

Amelia Clark has come forward with claims of abuse she suffered at the hands of Josh Way, but his fans don’t want to hear it…

X Factor Star Dropped After 'Abusing Ex' And Now She's Being Trolled

by Sophie Wilkinson |
Published on

The X Factor’s live shows are well under way, but Brooks Way - made up of Welsh tweenster twins Josh and Kyle - have been permanently suspended from the competition. This is down to a darker side emerging from the ever-so-cute duo in that there have been multiple allegations of Josh, 17, being abusive in a previous relationship.

Speaking to The Sun on Sunday, Amelia Grace Clark, Josh’s ex, alleged multiple incidences of violence: ‘At points during our relationship I was black and blue. I was constantly lying about where my bruises had come from. The worst time was last year. He came to my house and because my parents had new white carpets fitted I told him not to walk on them.

‘He said the way that I spoke to him wasn’t acceptable, knocked me over and kicked me in the face so hard that my nose broke. I heard it click out,’ she continued.

‘Both my eyes instantly went black and blood was streaming from my nose, but as I was standing over the sink he punched me again and again in the back. There was no one around to help me, and I was really scared so I tried to call the police — but he threatened to smash the phone.

‘I ran upstairs to the bedroom and locked the door until he left.’

Dermot O’Leary, presented of* The X Factor*, swiftly and solemnly announced Brooks Way’s departure from the show on Saturday night, and The X Factor's bosses' statement read: 'Following the allegations relating to Josh Brooks, we have decided by mutual consent that Brooks Way should leave the competition.' In a statement upon leaving the show, Josh tweeted: ‘While not everything that has been claimed is true I would like to apologise to everyone involved’

However, his fans - many of them young women - are refusing to believe Amelia’s claims, or even allow them an ounce of credibility:

‘So angry about the whole Amelia clark and josh brooks situation, if t was that serious she would of reported t months ago not just now’

‘The lengths a sad girl will go to just to get some attention! #AmeliaClark Don't believe everything you hear @TheXFactor @ThisIsTheBrooks’

‘This Amelia Grace Clark person is so embarrassing i feel sorry for Josh she's obsessed’

Polly Neate, CEO of Women’s Aid, told The Sun on Sunday: ‘One reason abused women don’t tell anyone is fear of not being believed. They don’t want to be judged, asked if it was their fault or be accused of lying.’ And sadly, it seems a pretty face can preclude many young women - women who are at high risk of themselves being abused by a loved one - from allowing themselves to believe another young woman’s story. It's also worth asking why Amelia Clark would lie for attention when this is the sort of attention it's got her. This isn't unheard of, this is why women, young, old and everything inbetween, don't speak up about male violence.

According to a study from the NSPCC, 31% of girls in adolescent relationships have suffered partner abuse, along with 16% of boys. Perhaps its worth believing them.

For more information on abuse, coercive control and bullying in adolescent and young relationships, visit LoveDontFeelBad.co.uk

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Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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