Never let it be said that here at The Debrief we fail to keep you informed about the serious, shocking and goddam outrageous news that's doing the rounds on the internet. Including this: that Sarah Jessica Parker – of cosmo-guzzling Sex and the City fame – only tried tequila for the very first time a couple of days ago. We know. Sacrilegious, right?
Apparently, SJP was out in NYC's Meatpacking District for a fancy book launch, where a non-famous stranger overheard her saying that she had ‘never tried tequila and wanted to try it for the first time’, which she dutifully did.
We’re not sure what we find most disturbing about the news. Maybe it’s that it’s now abundantly clear that – despite the fact we’ve been conflating SJP with her Sex and the City character Carrie for years – they weren’t ACTUALLY downing tequila shots in second series episode They Shoot Single People, Don’t They?
Or perhaps it's that the IRL Sarah Jessica Parker (who always seemed like a bit of a fun-time gal) has got through five decades of life without even trying a tequila shot – or presumably the blackout that arrives soon afterwards.
No word yet on what SJP chased her shot down with – or whether she ended up snogging Mark from IT afterwards. It's the little details that count.
Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophiecullinane
Picture: Getty
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.