It was with little suprise that we found out that Robin Thicke’s 38th birthday party this week featured exotic dancers in teeny tiny biknis and, in a weird twist of events, nearly naked girls in giant hamster balls because, maybe after a while girls dancing in bikinis just don’t cut it any more.
Seeing as old Robin has a rather hefty $7.3 million bill he’s got to pay off soon, thanks to the Blurred Lines/Marvin Gaye case that he lost earlier this week, perhaps spending his cash on semi-nude women wasn’t the greatest of shouts?
Anyways, it turns out Robin isn’t the only Thicke ever to have released a song with questionable lyrics. Through the questionable past-time of drinking and YouTubing, we found out that Robin’s dad Alan once presented the National Aerobic Championships, all the way back in 1988.
If you’ve got a spare 47 minutes, some hard liquor and a sense of humour this weekend, then please do settle in and watch the whole thing in all it’s gloriously spandexed joy.
Towards the end though, Alan shows off his musical prowess with a song called *Sweaty and Hot, *all about how this girl he was seeing started getting into it with some guy at the gym, so now he’s working out in an attempt to get her back but THE LYRICS. Holy hell in a bucket! We know it’s the aerobics championships, but suggestive, much?
Here’s some of the choicest moments. You can watch the whole video here because its owner has cruelly disabled embedding of this glorious moment.
First, he says this...

** Then follows it up with this....**

** Before moving onto this...**

Threatening us with this...

Before finishing off with this.

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Follow Jess on Twitter @Jess_Commons
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.