You survived those awkward teen years together. You had each others back when your parents asked where your sister really was ('no, Dad she doesn’t even like parties'). Oh, and you can read her mind 99.9% of the time.
Here are 18 things you’ll only know if your sisterreally is your best friend forever...
1. Long car journeys are always more fun if she’s there
Seven hours together travelling to Cornwall with the fam? The gossip. The fights. And the many impressions in the back seat trying - and failing – not to irritate your parents too much that they’ll stop the car. Or drive back home.
2. You’re guaranteed she’ll write the best Facebook post on your birthday
‘You are the greatest humanoid that has ever walked this planet…’ With obvs the most flattering picture of the both of you together. Which you have chosen. Together.
3. She totally gets your neuroses
And never judges you.
4. She knows your deepest, darkest secrets
…and you know she will never tell a soul. Ever.

5. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to lie to her face
‘FINE! I did take your T-shirt!’
6. She’ll be the first to tell you what she really thinks about your new boyfriend
‘I mean he is very different to your last one…’
7. You will make up after a blazing row in 0.1 seconds
'I’M SO BORED OF ARGUING! Can we watch Netflix now?'
8. You love ALL the same TV shows
‘Mum, I’m sorry, but it’s actually really important we watch eight more hours of Gilmore Girls right now.’

9. …And you’re in total shock if she doesn’t like a film you love
'Um, sorry what?!'
10. She is a world class snuggler
If you’ve been apart for a while you love nothing more than curling up on the sofa together. Prepared for the night of binge-watching ahead.
11. But she also knows exactly when to give you your space
You know that feeling when you want some ‘me’ time, just because. But you don’t want to tell your boyfriend or flatmate for fear of hurting their feelings? Well, with your sis you don't really care about that stuff. You'll just say 'can you leave me alone?' With maybe a 'please' at the end. Probs not though.
12. You can talk on the phone for HOURS about absolutely nothing
Even if you just saw her last night. But y'know a lot has happened on your morning commute…
13. But can be totally content silent together
Just knowing she’s there is enough. Awkward silences is not an option with you two.
14. She knows exactly what memes will make you LOL
And will keep sending you persistent texts at work asking if you’ve seen them yet.
15. And make you laugh harder than anyone else
You’ll never get a pity laugh from her. Because, you find pretty much all the same things funny. And be the first to gossip about that friend of a friend who is probably The Most Unfunny Person Ever.
16. You speak in code
Whether it’s save-me-from-this-boring-convo-buzzwords or a language that literally no one can understand but you two.
17. You can ring her up crying at 3am
That loser ex you can’t get over? She’s the first person you call.
18. She’ll totally tell you if you’re being a bit of a brat
You can count on her for the hard truths. Even if you don’t like them.
But you can say anything to each other - the good, bad and ugly - because she’s your best friend, partner in crime and soul sister...
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