26 Things That Happen When You Buy A House For The First Time

Things That Happen When You Buy A House For The First Time


by Contributor |
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If you're in the position to buy a house, congratulations! It's a rare thing to be able to afford to buy your own home in this day and age. But once you've saved up the deposit, started looking into areas, and then begun the descent into viewings hell, here's what to expect. Here are some of the struggles first time buyers know to be true.

  1. First of all, you're incredibly lucky - so people will raise their eyebrows and ask how you did it - inheritance, bank of Mum and Dad or savings and no life for five years?


  1. When you decide to buy a house, your actual budget will depress you

  2. If you're in London and you have friends anywhere else in the country, their house prices will depress you

  3. If you live somewhere with decent house prices, you'll almost apologise for how much cheaper yours was


  1. You start to recognise what estate agent speak really means eg "comfy and cosy" = a bedroom so small the door won't close when there's furniture inside

  2. You'll shudder when you hear the term 'group viewing' or 'open house' - this means you will be wedged into a room with 30 other nervous couples

  3. At said open house, you'll get edgy and fake smile at people while thinking 'I hope you die'


  1. You'll also start to imagine who might outbid you, and make hasty judgements on 'that b*tch with a pashmina'.

  2. You will be impressed by estate agents with fancy cars and think they are all lovely - until they laugh in your face at your budget or send you houses 30 miles away, with too many rooms that's waaay too expensive

  3. When you find a good estate agent, you will want to kiss them on the face - and become weirdly close with them until the sale is done


  1. You will become a house price bore - you will become obsessed with your area 'coming up' and get excited a niche deli opened round the corner

  2. You will give literally all the information you ever have on yourself to the bank - you'll worry you'll be judged for your Pret habit and heavy ASOS orders, and try to abstain for a month

  3. Location Location Location will become your new favourite show. You may start wearing bright coats and scarves like Kirsty to appear more in the know at viewings

  4. You'll read up on 'lease,' 'freehold' and 'share of' - and not really understand but ask questions about it at viewings anyway


  1. You will hate stamp duty with the fire of a thousand suns and curse the day it was invented

  2. All you really care about at the viewing is the 'vibe' - but you will try to not look like a mug and pretend to do things like test the shower

  3. Applying for a mortgage will make you feel like you are asking the bank to cut themselves open and feed themselves to hyenas

  4. You will inevitably have to get over wanting a huge garden and whether it is south facing. Think about the fact you don't live in Majorca and will have approximately one BBQ a year

  5. Gazumping is not a type of cheese or a niche game - it's your worst nightmare


  1. When you hear about 'the chain' - you will become obsessed with other people's lives and start speculating wildly about their decisions

  2. You will learn not to be fooled by that classic estate agent trick of being shown two sh_t houses and then a third OK one - it's probably sh_t

  3. If you meet the house owner you may put on the 'we are such a nice couple' vibe - even though you argued furiously about sash windows five minutes before

  4. Things everyone seems to want and think are totally unique to their needs when house hunting: wooden floors, neutral decor, big windows (double glazed), big garden, two large bedrooms of equal size, one of those kitchens with cool tiles and an 'island'. Spoiler: it doesn't exist or if it does you will pay for it

  5. Always trust your gut


  1. Damp is always going to be sh*t - don't be fooled

  2. Prepare to have no weekends or evenings

  3. When you have actually exchanged, you will feel like a real grown-up for about five seconds, along with 'sh_t I have bought a f_*_ing house'. Followed by 'sh_t I have a mortgage'

  4. The day of exchange will be the most stressful of your life. But when you're inside your empty, small home, you'll eat takeaway on the floor and drink cheap Prosecco from plastic cups and feel like a property mogul


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