Meghan And Harry’s 1114-word Sussex Royal Statement Explained

The statement makes clear that the couple will not be using the name ‘Sussex Royal’.

Harry and Meghan

by Laura Harman |
Updated on

After discovering that they would not be allowed to keep their royal title, Harry and Meghan have released a public statement, which Prince Charles’s biographer Tom Bower has said ‘smacks of spiteful fury.’

In January, Meghan and Harry announced that they will be stepping down from their royal duties and become financially independent from the crown, in pursuit of a life out of the limelight.

Since this announcement, fans have speculated over whether the couple will be able to keep their royal title ‘Sussex Royals’. The couple have used the label throughout their marriage and created their digital media under this title. The couple also planned to trademark the name and utilise it as a brand following their departure from 'The Firm.'

The 1114-word statement was published on the Sussexes’ website in order to ‘to mitigate any confusion and subsequent misreporting.’ It addresses questions of the use of the word ‘Royalty’:

‘While there is precedent for other titled members of the Royal Family to seek employment outside of the institution, for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, a 12-month review period has been put in place.’

Some believe that this is a dig at Harry’s cousins- Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice- who have royal titles and permission to seek employment outside of the ‘institution’.

‘While there is not any jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word “Royal” overseas, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use ‘Sussex Royal’ or any iteration of the word ‘Royal’ in any territory (either within the UK or otherwise) when the transition occurs Spring 2020.’

Some have argued that here Harry and Meghan are implying that they are being treated differently - and perhaps unfairly - by the Monarchy. This is because the statement shows that although there is no precedent, they are still being stripped of their respective titles.

The statement makes clear that the couple will not be using the name ‘Sussex Royal’ and suggests that it is not just the monarchy that has restricted their use of the brand. The statement announces:

‘While The Duke and Duchess are focused on plans to establish a new non-profit organisation, given the specific UK government rules surrounding use of the word ‘Royal’, it has been therefore agreed that their non-profit organisation will not utilise the name ‘Sussex Royal’ or any other iteration of “Royal”.’

The statement also shows that although they are stripped of their name for brand usage, the couple will still maintain some of their royal privileges:

‘It is agreed that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue to require effective security to protect them and their son. This is based on The Duke’s public profile by virtue of being born into The Royal Family, his military service, the Duchess’ own independent profile, and the shared threat and risk level documented specifically over the last few years.’

The statement concludes by stating that Harry and Meghan are continuing to develop their non-profit organisation and their digital channels will be ‘refreshed as they introduce the next exciting phase to you’.

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