Stacey Solomon Is Doing Her Best, Stop Mum Shaming Her

'I laugh but sometimes it can make you feel really alone and that you're doing a rubbish job.'

stacey solomon

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

If there's anyone we're obsessed with at Grazia, it's Stacey Solomon by the way.)

But, still, while she has millions of fans, Stacey still isn't immune to mum shaming and trolling. In fact, Stacey had to take a break from social media last week following some horrendous messages.

'I feel like we get judged all of the time as parents,' she said on her Instagram stories yesterday. 'Only yesterday someone was telling me how filthy Rex's clothes are and that I should be ashamed. I laugh but sometimes it can make you feel really alone and that you're doing a rubbish job.'

Stacey - who has Zachary, 12, Leighton, eight and one-year-old Rex - was speaking as part of C&G baby club to support their latest campaign Love Don't Judge. She added, 'Basically they're just encouraging people to share their judgements and their stories so that they don't feel alone and realise that we're all in this together and we've got each others backs. Don't be so hard on yourself, honestly if it makes you feel any better, Rex has eaten his own poo before.'

The Loose Women star has been criticised for a few things in the past, including when she weaned Rex off milk at five-and-a-half months, which some people thought was too early. She continued, 'From comments about me weaning Rex too early to not keeping him warm enough at nap time, I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of negativity and wish there was more love than judge online.'

Of course, we don't need to tell you that everybody's parenting style is entirely different. What works for you isn't going to work for everyone, and vice versa. And just because Stacey is in the public eye, that doesn't mean she deserves having her parenting style commented on every two seconds. She obviously loves her children to the moon and back. Please be kinder. No matter what you think about her parenting.

READ MORE::a[Stacey Solomon: You Think I'm "Thick" Because Of What I Look Like And Where I'm From? You're Wrong.]{href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener noreferrer'}

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