Can you guess who the face of Marc Jacobs' new beauty campaign is? Need a hint? Ok, think: star of Heathers, the original Mean Girls. Think: once dated Johnny Depp (pre Kate Moss) and was the nineties equivalent of RPatz hearts KStewart. Think: Golden Globe winner for The Age of Innocence in 1993 and Oscar nomineee for Little Woman the year after.
Who else could we mean than the ever-youthful beauty that is Winona Ryder?
Following on from her appearance in Marc Jacob's AW15 campaign, Winona is back, fronting the designer's new beauty campaign.
In a image 'leaked' to his Instagram account, the designer said of his new muse:
'It is with great pride (and pleasure) that I 'leak' this image from our upcoming 2016 MARC JACOBS BEAUTY campaign... it stars my dear friend (of over two and a half decades), the stunningly beautiful and extraordinarily talented, Winona Ryder... a brilliant mind, talent, and physical beauty like no other.'
We couldn't agree with him more. And to show how much we too think she is brilliant, talented and beautiful, we've made a list of all the things we absolutely love about Winona Ryder.
1.) She can play 'godly', 'grungy' and 'gothic' with equal aplomb
Rarely is an actor so versatile, but Winona can play wholesome, homely and godly - Little Women, How To Make An American Quilt; she can play grungy, intense, dark - Girl, Interrupted, Black Swan; she can do gothic and avant-garde - Edward Scissorhands, Dracula... The lady can do anything.
2.) When she hit troubled times, she took time out
Most will know of 'that' shoplifting incident in 2001, the one where she was caught trying to pinch $5,560 worth of designer goods from a shop (one item of which was, incidentally, a Marc Jacobs $760 sweater). She was arrested and ordered to undergo psychological and drug counselling as a result. Her reponse? To take herself away to recover. She went back to San Francisco, her childhood home, and explored other interests outside of acting. Smart girl.

3.) She's always shied away from the limelight
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, she said that following her 'hiatus', the papers were all about her 'comeback'. Indeed, every time she did a film - Black Swan, *The Dilemma *- it marked her 'grand return' to the industry.
But this bemused the star because, in her mind, she never went away. In spite of her time off, she has nonetheless starred in at least one film every year (bar one), for the last 15 years.
'They’ve been saying it for so long,' she said of her supposed 'comeback'. 'And I’m, like, where was I? There’s a big part of me that just wants to do good work and not have that pressure. I don’t have any interest in being a movie star.'
** 4.) She has the most youthful face in Hollywood - but would rather look older**
Rarely do stars - and let's face it, normal people too - 'struggle' to look their age. Most, as we know, will do anything to look younger.
Not Winona. At 44, she only wants to look her age. However, her perpetually youthful looks means the industry and fans alike still see her as that waifish young girl from the nineties.
In an interview with Vogue, she recounted the time when her Show Me A Hero co-star said (in a sweet way, mind): "Better not show those Winona eyes." In response, she cut her eyelashes off.
5.) She shuns social media
In an age where celebrities aren't worth their salt unless they have over 5million followers, Winona bucks the trend and refuses to partake in social media, period.
She says she doesn't use Twitter because she finds the very idea of followers 'creepy'. Hmm. Now that we think about it...

6.) She's the queen of original style
Imagine Winona having a 'stylist'? Get outta town! She's the ninteies icon, the dame who wore $19 vintage dresses to the Oscar's. She bemoaned the time she was criticised for wearing a dress (previously owned by Audrey Hepburn) out in public twice,* *and has rocked every haircut imaginable - long flowing locks, the bob, the pixie cut, you name it.
No wonder Johnny Depp got her name tattooed on his biceps. If we ever met her, we might be tempted to do the same.