Shameless Objectification: Charlie Simpson

Not that one from McFly. The other one. The eyebrows guy.


by Rebecca Holman |
Published on

Who? That guy from Busted.

The one who created that YouTube video of his pregnant wife and then newborn son, From Bump To Buzz? No, that’s Tom from McFly. But the two bands have recently merged to form a reunion supergroup McBusted, so you’re not too far off.

Wait Charlie Simpson, is he the one with the eyebrows? Yep, you've got it. While the rest of McFly/Busted are touring some of this country’s top medium-sized arenas playing All! Their! Greatest! Hits! like a troop of travelling minstrels with a Twitter account, Charlie has decided to opt out and be a serious artist some more (he fronted Fightstar from 2003-2010, and famously hated being part of a 'pop' group). His second solo album is out in July and we stumbled across the video for his new single Haunted the other day, which seems like as good a reason as any to Shamelessly Objectify him, because frankly we’d forgotten how fit he is now he's grown into those eyebrows and sorted the hair out.

Vital statistics

Age: 28

From: Woodbridge in Suffolk. The Internet tells us he now lives in London. Thank you Internet.

Significant other? Word on the street is that he used to date Anna Barnard (she used to date Chelsy Davey’s brother, fact fans). He hasn’t released an adorable YouTube video of the two of them cradling their newborn child yet though, so it's possible he's still on the market.

** Reasons why we love him: **

  • HE’S 6 4” PEOPLE. Because there’s always going to be something mysteriously alluring (ok not that mysterious) about a really, really tall man.

  • Having carried out an extensive survey of every member of McBusted, we can confirm that Charlie’s aged far better than the rest of them, which bodes excellently for any children you/I may or may not have with him in the future.

  • As part of Fightstar he set the Guinness World Record for the world’s coldest gig, playing in temperatures of - 30 degrees in Siberia. Which, as boasting rights go, is pretty cool.

** Follow Rebecca on Twitter @rebecca_hol**

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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