Everything You Need To Know About Line Of Duty’s Shalom Brune-Franklin

The series returns on March 21 - and there are some new additions.

Shalom Brune-Franklin

by Bonnie McLaren |
Updated on

Finally, this weekend, the sixth series ofLine Of Duty lands. But there are some new additions to the much-loved BBC police procedural: Kelly Macdonaldmakes her debut as guest lead Detective Chief Inspector Joanne Davidson, and rising star Shalom Brune-Franklin will join the show as DC Chloe Bishop. So, what do we know about the new character?

'Chloe is the newest member of AC-12,' Shalom says. 'Like anyone starting a new job, she’s so eager to prove to her bosses that she was the right choice. She’s incredibly hardworking and we can see she’s really trying to impress. She’s on a journey to capture bent coppers!'

This isn't Shalom's first time on TV, though her profile is set to rise again thanks to starring in the hit drama. If you recognise her face, you might have seen her as Private Maisie Richards in the BBC's series Our Girl, she's also known for playing Umm Khulthum in The State and Aoife in the Australian TV series Doctor Doctor. (Shalom was born in the UK, but later moved to Australia when she was 14.)

Shalom, 27, is also a big fan of Line Of Duty, and said she had to stop herself from screaming when she was on set. 'I was such a fan of the show and it was such a surreal experience to get to walk onto the set of something you are already such a huge fan of,' she said. 'I was over the moon to get the job! Line of Duty has so many people in it creatively that I look up to and admire. To be a part of that is quite unbelievable.'

She added, 'I remember walking onto set and seeing the glass box [interview room] and there was part of me that wanted to fan girl and scream. The other half was thinking that I had been hired to do a job, you need to calm down and do justice to the scene. I was quite surprised at how quickly I felt I was part of it but I still do feel like a fan girl.'

How can I watch Line of Duty?

Line of Duty is on every Sunday at 9pm from March 21st on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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