Selling Sunset: How Tall Are Brett And Jason Oppenheim?

Everything you need to know about the Oppenheim twins including their age and who they're currently dating

Brett and Jason Oppenheim Selling Sunset

by Daisy Hall |
Updated on

There's always so many questions whizzing round our heads when we're watching Selling Sunset. How on earth do the women walk around in those shoes on construction sites? Do Chrishell Stause and Nicole Young really hate each other that much? Did Davina Potratz ever sell that £75million mansion? But one of the questions we're all dying to know is just how tall are the twins Brett and Jason Oppenheim?

To be honest, we think the twins wouldn't look so short if everyone was wearing normal shoes.

So, how tall are Brett and Jason Oppenheim?

According to The Express Jason and Brett Oppenheim aka the owners of The Oppenheim Group are 5ft6.

However, when we caught up with the legend that is Christine Quinn, she told us something completely different. In an interview with Grazia she claimed, 'I’m 5ft9 and they’re 5ft3.'

Jason and Brett Oppenheim

So, now you have the truth - whichever truth it may be! - about their height, let's do a deep dive into these iconic property brothers and answer any questions that you may have about Jason and Brett Oppenheim.

How old are Brett and Jason Oppenheim?

Born on 12 April 1977, Jason and Brett Oppenheim are currently 46.

What are Brett and Jason Oppenheim's net worths?

Jason and Brett Oppenheim's net worths are rumoured to be around £80million each due to their extensive property portfolios.

Who are Brett and Jason Oppenheim dating?

Jason Oppenheim's turbulent love life has been well-documented on Selling Sunset with his relationships with Mary Fitzgerald and Chrishell Stause both getting air time.

Jason is currently single, but Selling Sunset series seven viewers will notice that his ex-girlfriend Marie-Lou Nurk - a 26-year-old model - features heavily in the current season, which was filmed before their break-up.

Jason Oppenheim and Marie Lou Nurk

Brett Oppenheim's dating life is less public. We previously saw on Selling Sunset that he was dating model and social media influencer Tina Louise, but he is currently in a relationship with tattoo artist Samantha Abdul.

Who are Brett and Jason Oppenheim's parents?

Jason and Brett Oppenheim's parents are called Bennett and Deborah Oppenheim.

We don't know much about the twins' childhood, but we do know that Deborah and Bennett got divorced when Jason and Brett were young leaving Deborah - who worked as a speech therapist - to raise the boys alone.

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