Selena Gomez Is Worried About Justin Bieber’s New Album, And For Good Reason

He's already said she'll feature on the album - but it's understandable that Selena is worried. Imagine if your ex wrote an album when you'd just finally moved on

Selena Gomez Is Worried About Justin Bieber's New Album, And For Good Reason

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Everyone's favourite human being Justin Bieber has been chatting up his new album to anyone who'll listen, but why is ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez worried?

Well, aside from the fact that Justin recently said on Ryan Seacrest that his ex-girlfriend (Selena, in case you've been living in a celebrity-less cave for three years) was a muse for a lot of his music, Selena is worried that he's written a song about her and new boyfriend, DJ/producer Zedd. And fair enough - the 21 year old has had her fair share of Bieber-related embarrassments recently, having been brought up rather horribly in his most recent *Roast *despite having tried to cut all ties with the singer.

Imagine having an ex with an army of fans who hate your guts, watching yourself getting ripped apart on TV just because you used to date them, and then being all over their new album. And you think being Facebook friends with an ex is upsetting.

'Selena is really worried that Justin is going to write about her in his new music. She’s freaking out that he’s going to diss her. They barely speak and she doubts he’s going to let her listen to his music before it’s released,' a source told Hollywood Life. Last week, Justin confirmed that Selena would probably feature on the album, telling Ryan Seacrest: 'A lot of my inspiration comes from her. It was a long relationship and a relationship that created heartbreak and created happiness and a lot of different emotions that I wanted to write about, so there’s a lot of that on this album.'

To be fair, though, Selena has written (or, erm, sung) songs that are about Justin - so we guess that Justin should be allowed to now have his say? It feels like a bit of a long time ago, though, and reopening old wounds while his ex has moved on could be a pretty unpleasant experience. Especially for poor Zedd. Poor Zedd! How can he compete with a superstar who pees in buckets and eggs houses?! Oh wait...

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Follow Stevie on Twitter @5tevieM

Picture: Getty

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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