Schmidt Reveals His ‘Real’ Name In New Girl And MY GOD


Schmidt Reveals His 'Real' Name In New Girl And MY GOD

by Alyss Bowen |
Published on

I’m a big New Girl fan. It all started many years ago when I was a young, eager (still eager, not so young) 20-year old living in a student flat with my three best friends. One of those best friends (hey Bambi) and I became OBSESSED with Zooey Deschanel.

When not out in Manchester at some run-down bar drinking lots of Strongbow, we would lie in her bed in our pjs and dressing gowns watching New Girl. And I mean like episodes and episodes of New Girls. I’m not talking one episode per night, no no. We’d watch the whole season then cry into our packets of Flaming Hot Doritos that it was over – and that we’d eaten all the crisps.

Schmidt’s character (Max Greenfield), while not my personal favourite (that would be Nick, the man of my dreams - sorry, boyfriend), was definitely up there in our top three for his comic value. Which is why obviously now his real name has been revealed I’m in more shock that I was when Brexit was announced. That’s a massive lie and I’m sorry, I just wanted to add a little bit of drama...

Guys, his name is Winston. WINSTON. W-I-N-S-T-O-N.

If you watch New Girl you will know there are now two Winstons. What does this mean? Is Winston numero uno (played by Lamorne Morris) going to leave? Will they co-share a name like to co-habit their loft? Who will be Winston number 1, and who will be Winston number 2? Surely original Winston (police Winston) will be Winston number 1? But then what if ‘Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt’ (maaaate you’re parents hated you) was born first, so he rightly so, has dibs on being number 1? So many Winstons.

Can we also please talk about the fact Winston is such a rogue name. I have never met a Winston in my lifetime, and now there are two in New Girl? Who’s in charge of characters names on this show? Is your name Winston too?

I have so many questions and no answers so I’m going to have to leave you with this news and just accept it. There are now two Winstons on New Girl and that is that.

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Follow Alyss on Instagram @alyssbowen

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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