In a series of new tweets, actress Sarah Hyland has spoken candidly about the abuse she receives about her body on Instagram.
The Modern Family star reveals she has been accused of ‘promoting anorexia’, told to 'eat a burger!’ and constantly ‘bullied’ because of her weight – and she’s sick of it.
‘I haven't had the greatest year. Maybe one day I'll talk about it but for now, I'd like my privacy,’ she wrote. ‘I've basically been on bed rest for the past few months, I've lost a lot of muscle mass (and) I know that my face is swollen from medication that is saving my life.’
Hyland blasted body shamers ‘because I've been accused of promoting anorexia in, ironically enough, an anti bullying post. And I want young girls to know that that's NOT my intention.’ Adding that she's ‘not a fan of 'being skinny.’

However, she says, ‘my circumstances have put me in a place where I'm not in control of what my body looks like. So I strive to be as healthy as possible, as everyone should.
‘I will always be too fat. I will always be too skinny. I will never have enough curves to be called a woman. And I will always be a slut for wearing a push up bra. Love the you you set out to be,’ she concluded.
‘I'm a 26 year old woman who goes through more than you could even imagine on a daily basis ... Love and positivity is what we need most. Especially at a time like this.’
READ MORE: Ashley Graham Pens Powerful Letter To Her Instagram Body-Shamers