Here’s Why Harry Style’s Nudes Are For His Eyes Only, No Matter How Much We Want To See Them

This is why we don't want to see Harry Styles naked


by Daisy Buchanan |
Published on

In new nudes news (try saying that twenty times very fast) the internet might be about to break all over again, thanks to the revelation that Harry Styles has some naked photographson his phone.

Harry was asked to pull ‘his best shocked face’ for the cameras when promoting the new album on what is widely being reported as ‘a European TV show.’ (When we find out which of the 58 options might have been hosting this piece of light entertainment, we’ll let you know, but it’s safe to assume that it wasn’t Vatican City.) ‘Like one of your nudes has leaked!’ suggested the host, in order to generate the right sort of surprised countenance from Hazza. ‘You’ve got nudes?’ asked Liam. ‘Not leaked ones!’ responded Harry. And now the internet is agog and afroth, desperate to get their pervy hands on his pixels.

Let’s be clear. There is nothing wrong with taking all your clothes off, taking a picture and keeping it in your iPhoto library. That is one of your basic civil liberties, and it’s a great way to entertain yourself with a minimum of effort and expense, as well as giving you the chance to check your moles.

READ MORE: Nicholas Hoult breaks his silence on Jennifer Lawrence nudes

But there is everything wrong with wanting to look at other people’s leaked photos, whether they’re male or female. You can’t feign feminist horror about Jennifer Lawrence’s illegally obtained nudes circulating earlier in the year, and then rub your thighs at the prospect of seeing Harry’s bum tattoos.

We should not have to repeat this at the end of a very leaky year, but (and I know I sound like a teacher) it doesn’t matter how famous someone is, or how much you fancy them, you have no right to see them naked unless they have chosen to publish pictures themselves and share them with the world. Should Harry decide to promote the album by putting his nudes on Instagram, by all means, have a good gawp. But if anyone but Harry finds a way of releasing those Styles snaps, you’re honour bound to look away. And if we all behave as we should do, any prospective hackers won’t bother leaking anything because there just won’t be any point. Got it? Good.

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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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