To celebrate Prince William’s 34th birthday [June 21st], here’s 12 life mantras that we should remember Every Single Day - from respecting your elders (in his case, The Queen) to parenting 101...
1.‘My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.’
2.‘I think it's very important that you make your own decision about what you are. Therefore you're responsible for your actions, so you don't blame other people.’
3.‘I'm always open for people saying I'm wrong’.
4.‘As I learned from growing up, you don't mess with your grandmother’.

5.‘I want to bring my children up as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important. But if I can't give my time to my children as well, I worry about their future.’
6.‘What my mother recognized back then - and what I understand now - is that grief is the most painful experience that any child or parent can endure. But my mother was determined to help those in need and she would have been immensely proud, as I am, of all that Child Bereavement UK has achieved these last 21 years.’
7.‘I just want to go to university and have fun - I want to be an ordinary student. I'm only going to university.’
8.‘People say it's not ambitious, but it is actually quite ambitious wanting to help people.’
9.‘No one is going to try to fill my mother's shoes, what she did was fantastic. It's about making your own future and your own destiny and Kate will do a very good job of that.’

10.‘I encourage all fathers to take a moment to ask their children how they are doing. Take the opportunity to discuss how you are coping with life and fatherhood with your wife, partner or with your friends. And know that if your son or daughter ever needs help, they need their father’s guidance and support just as much as they need their mother’s.'
11.‘There'll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in the world. But right now, it's just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing him as much love as I can as a father.’
12.‘No one should be bullied for their sexuality or any other reason and no one should have to put up with the kind of hate that these young people have endured in # their lives.’
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