Porsche Blames Paul Walker For His Own Death

Porsche hit back at Paul Walker's daughter's legal suit

Porsche Blames Paul Walker For His Own Death

by Stevie Martin |
Published on

The company Porsche have hit back at Paul Walker's daughter's legal suit, claiming he was responsible for his own death, rather than the car itself.

After the Carrera GT Paul was driving, along with his friend Roger Rodas, span out of control in Los Angeles in 2013, it burst into flames and hit a power pole, killing both passengers instantly. His daughter Meadow filed a suit back in September against Porsche, claiming the car would never have spun out of control if it had had a proper stabilization system and that Porsche knew the GT had 'a history of instability and control issues.'

An investigation carried out by law enforcement found that the Porsche Carrera had been going between 80 and 93 mph when Rodas lost control and concluded that speed was the cause of the crash.

A statement from Meadow, given to TMZ, says: 'Contrary to Porsche's assertions, the facts are clear: Paul was the passenger in a car that was not designed to protect its occupants.' But Porsche claims that the Fast & Furious star should not have agreed to go on a high-speed ride in the Carrera GT on city streets and should have been aware of the dangers.

The lawsuit continues...

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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