Pink Said ‘Monogamy Is Work’, And We’re Really Relieved

Just another example of Pink saying really smart things about really important shit

Pink Said ‘Monogamy Is Work’, And We’re Really Relieved

by Jazmin Kopotsha |
Published on

There are very few artists who remain consistently cool and real-life relatable throughout their music careers. There are even fewer who have careers that span the best part of twenty years. Even fewer than that manage to be just as relevant now as they were back in the 2000s when all of the now twenty-somethings were getting still covering spots with toothpaste, feeling all the hormonal feelings and only just starting to properly develop legitimate tastes music.

Pink has been there for all of it, though. And we’re as on board with just about everything she has to say as we were when we learned the words to Just Like A Pill.

In an interview with the Guardian, Pink, real name Alecia Moore, got real about sex. She said the three words we all know to be true, but are often scared to admit for fear of seeming anything less but perfectly happy in our imperfect relationships. ‘Monogamy is work!’, she said. And with an audible exhale of relief I thought, ‘Yes. It really fucking is’.

Speaking about her 11-year marriage to Carey Hart, Pink said: ‘There are moments where I look at [Hart] and he is the most thoughtful, logical, constant … he’s like a rock. He’s a good man. He’s a good dad. He’s just the kind of dad I thought he’d be and then come. And then I’ll look at him and go: I’ve never liked you. There’s nothing I like about you. We have nothing in common. I don’t like any of the shit you like. I don’t ever wanna see you again’. We’ve all been there, right? I often feel guilty for having a bad relationship day. I feel like I’m in the wrong for having moments when I don’t want to throw myself at my boyfriend. I feel bad if I ever doubt him, myself, us, our relationship or our future.

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But Pink’s words serve as a reminder that there is life beyond those #couplegoals holiday pictures we spend hours scrolling through on Instagram. Just as we have days feeling shit about our jobs, our homes, our friends and ourselves, we are probably at some point going to feel pretty shit about whoever we’re in a relationship with too. And at a time when our generation feels so much pressure to live life picture perfectly, it’s never been so important to remember that something as seemingly straightforward as being with one person, as much as you may like them, also requires conscious effort. And acknowledging that effort is totally fine too.

‘Then two weeks later I’m like, things are going so good, you guys. Then you go through times when you haven’t had sex in a year. Is this bed death? Is this the end of it? Do I want him? Does he want me?’, Pink added. ‘Monogamy is work! But you do the work and it’s good again’.

In standard Pink manner, what she said was so refreshing because there’s zero pretence. There’s no gushing over this wonderful human who we’re meant to believe is super easy to spend the rest of her life with. It’s not just a flippant comment about love, because we already know that love is hard. But monogamy is something we’re less willing to admit is difficult to do too.

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Follow Jazmin on Instagram @JazKopotsha

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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