NFL Player Dresses As Harry Potter At Press Conference And Wins At Life

This is what total commitment to Halloween (and parenthood) looks like

NFL Player Dresses As Harry Potter At Press Conference And Wins At Life

by Anna Clarke |
Published on

The daring, brave at heart are said to dwell in Gryffindor house. Richard Sherman – NFL athlete and now, our new hero – earned his house colours on Wednesday when he rocked up at a press conference in full Hogwart’s getup. Yas Richard!

The Seattle Seahawks’ cornerback showed total outfit commitment, donning Harry Potter-style glasses and answering press questions wand-in-hand. He even bowled up to the podium with the film’s theme tune playing from his phone. Totally DIY, and we love it.

‘This is a serious occasion,’ Sherman said as he took to the stage at Renton's Virginia Mason Athletic Center.

‘It's Halloween. My son told me he wanted me to wear something, so it's happening.’

Sharmen is a well-known Harry Potter fanboy; in 2014 he revealed to the New York Times that the books are 'one of his obsessions' and how – whilst studying at Stanford – he attended all the midnight film releases.

‘This was my first and second outfit choice’ he told amused reporters, who played along with the gag.

The wannabe wizard stayed in character for the duration of the conference, answering questions with what-would-harry-do style responses.

'When you're a wizard like we are out here sometimes you have to show it to the muggles out in the world.'

We feel you Richard.

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Follow Anna on Twitter @medusaismean

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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