So Myleene Klass Ripping Into Ed Miliband Paxman Style Is Quite Amusing

It was over mansion tax – you know that thing Miliband's proposing for people who actually own a home. Over £2million. (IE, not us)


by Stevie Martin |
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Last night, Labour leader Ed Miliband got torn a new one (as the saying goes) by none other than Myleene Klass, much to the surprise of everyone. Speaking about labour's mansion tax policy - their proposition to impose a tax on homes worth over £2 million – she basically went balls-out Paxman on his Labour ass, and it was mightily entertaining. If a bit rich, considering some of us will never own a home. Let alone a £2 million one. And there's quite a lot of other, arguably more pressing, issues that she could have gone balls-out about.

'For me, it's so disturbing – the name in its own right: ‘mansion tax.’ Immediately, you conjure up an image of these Barbie-esque houses, but in London, which is where 80% of the people who will be paying this tax actually live, have you seen what that amount of money can get you? It's like a garage,' she said as Ed blinked and looked rather taken aback.

While you might be, as we are, inclined to think mansion tax is not such a bad idea, Myleene goes on to make some fairly salient points: 'When you do look at the people who will be suffering this tax, it's true a lot of them are grannies who have had these houses in their families for a long, long time. The people who are the super-super rich buying their houses for £140 million, this is not necessarily going to affect them because they've got their tax rebates and amazing accountants. It's going to be the little grannies who have lived in those houses for years and years.'

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Think of the grannies! And the people who bought London properties decades ago when they were basically £2 and will suffer hugely if this tax comes into play. On the other hand, though, considering the state of the country, mansion tax seems hardly the most important thing to start attacking. Without wishing to be rude to people who can afford £2 million properties – er, some of us will never even own a house. Ever. Not even a 'garage,' so it's understandable that Twitter was divided between 'GO, MYLEENE!' and 'OH NO POOR MYLEENE WITH HER BIG MANSION.'

Ed's fairly nothingy response – that he knows people don't like paying tax, but 'the values of my government are going to be different to the values of this government' - just fanned the Klass flames further. 'You may as well just tax me on this glass of water,' she said. 'You can't just point at things and tax them.'

Regardless of your opinions, though, it's good to see Myleene speaking out (with a serious dose of sass) rather than just silently modelling lingerie. The woman's got style, eloquence and Klass. (WE ARE SO SORRY).

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Follow Stevie on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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