Professor Green was in court today pleading guilty to driving under the influence. So far, so not something we’d normally report about on our site. But, before you click away from here to the rest of our delectable content, here’s what is interesting about his court appearance: his wife, ex-Made In Chelsea star Millie Mackintosh, posted a paparazzi shot of her and him leaving court, hashtagging it #ootd (outfit of the day) and listed all the items she was wearing: ‘Zara blazer, river island jeans, oasis jumper, top shop hat and miu miu glasses.’

Of course, in recent years courtroom dressing has been endlessly analysed - think about the outpouring of emotion over Nigella Lawson's cheekbonesor Lindsay Lohan's Fuck U nail art. So,we get that Millie has put some thought into her outfit. But Instagramming fashion credits for it? And retweeting praise-tweets like this?
Er - is it just u,s or does this sit a little uncomfortably with you, too? Remember, Professor Green was in Bromley Magistrates Court pleading guilty to drink-driving, in an incident in which he crashed his car into a van. Remember, too, that drink driving is the cause of one in six road deaths. We're going to put this out there – it's not exactly the right environment for publicising your fashion choices.
We’re not alone – other people had stuff to say. One Twitter user, BruceModEng, said, ‘Fair enough Millie but surely tweeting about your wardrobe on route from your fellas drink drive ban is inappropriate [sic]?’ Chatter was similar over on Instagram, ‘Court outfit of the day lol outside Bromley court #stayclassy.’ And, ‘Strange that you thnk it’s important to put what your wearing when your partner has just been convicted of a crime [sic].’
Millie's #ootd action is especially surprising considering her husband, real name Stephen Manderson, had already taken to Iinstagram to complain that some media outlets were posting live updates of his court appearance, ‘Well The Mirror have outdone themselves… Who cares about Syria when I’ve yet to tweet this morning.’

Maybe he wants to have a word with his wife, then?
Follow Sophie on Twitter @sophwilkinson
Picture: Getty
This article originally appeared on The Debrief.