After Stranger Things became the unexpected Netflix hit of the summer, we’ve all fallen in love with the show’s winning central gang of adorable pre-teens. In the weeks since all eight episodes of the ‘80s-set show arrived online, the kids have danced to Uptown Funk at the Emmys pre-show party, met up with Louis Vuitton’s creative director Nicholas Ghesquiere at his Parisian atelier and stolen the show on too many talk shows to count (cue hundreds of thousands of hits on adorable viral videos). Next up? An appearance at a White House festival curated by none other than Mr. President himself, Barack Obama.
12-year-old Millie Bobby Brown, who plays the mysterious Eleven, has been carving a niche as a pint-sized style star, too. She’s already managed to notch up a front row appearance at New York Fashion Week, attending the Coach show with her co-star Winona Ryder, and has now landed her first ever solo magazine cover for So It Goes, shot in LA by Lauren Dukoff.

With a mere 1.3 million Instagram followers to her name, the young actress is now a force to be reckoned with on social media, something which she addresses in the interview which accompanies the 20 page story. ‘There are positive things that come of social media, as well as negative,’ she says. ‘I don’t look at negative comments because my parents and family don’t let me. My big sister controls my Instagram and my big brother controls my Twitter.’
‘I also don’t really Google myself or anything like that. We’re obviously lucky in that I think everything about the show has been basically really positive,’ she adds. So young, yet so well adjusted.

Having started acting at such a young age, Millie hasn’t had the typical school experience. Instead, she’s been home-schooled, which, as she reveals, ‘does get quite lonely sometimes,’ something which has made her friendship with her Stranger Things co-stars all the more important. ‘Having friends in LA was good, but also having friends on set was really, really nice. The business can also be lonely, but with the Stranger Things boys I was like, “YES.”’
You can read the full interview with Millie in the eighth issue of So It Goes, which you can order here.
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