Meghan And Harry Are Decorating Their Gender-Neutral Nursery With Vegan Paint

Meghan Harry nursery

by Elizabeth Bennett |
Updated on

Meghan Markle’s first child is due in April and if reports are to be believed, the Duchess is clearly in nesting mode ahead of her new arrival. Meghan and husband Harry are currently in the process of completing £3 million worth of renovations on their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage.

Naturally, the nursery is a key part of the project to transform the Grade II listed property in the Queen's Windsor estate, and according to The Sun, Meghan is keen to make her own stamp on the design.

In particular, the Duchess is keen to ensure the room is eco-friendly, and the paper reports that Meghan has chosen vegan paint for the baby’s room. Yep, it appears not all house paint is necessarily vegan with many using milk or beeswax as a binder. Meghan’s choice of paint, sourced from the Organic and Natural Paint Co, is not only vegan but both organic and non-toxic too. Other planet-friendly additions to their home include a £50,000 eco boiler.

Considering last week’s news that the royal couple would be opting for a gender neutral design, we imagine they'll be choosing a selection of muted hues for the room (no blues or pinks here). “Apparently, it's going to be a monochrome palette—whites and greys, I'm told, will be the colour theme for baby Sussex's nursery," Royal correspondent Katie Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight. “They've decided not to find out the sex [of their baby]," she added.

Despite her previous career as a lifestyle blogger, Meghan has listed the help of top interior designer Vicky Charles for the project. Following a 20-year stint as Global Head of Design at the Soho House group, Charles now runs her own interior design studio alongside Julia Corden. In fact, Charles oversaw the design of the frequently-Instagrammed Soho Farmhouse where Meghan reportedly held her three-day hen do.

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