Has McDonald’s taken one for the team and told Donald Trump what we’ve all wanted to say for SO LONG?
Trump (who, BTW, would not win any awards for insta food shots) uploaded a photo of himself enjoying his McDonald’s burger and fries, but the fast food company was clearly not having any of it.

A tweet was sent from the company’s Twitter account that said: 'You are actually a disgusting excuse of a president and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tiny hands.'
20 minutes later the tweet was deleted, and McDonald’s claimed their account was ‘compromised’. Whether this means it was hacked, or just that a member of staff got a bit trigger happy with their opinions we’re not sure, but it was hilarious either way.
Contrary to, well, the rest of Trump’s Twitter feed, he didn’t reply to the tweet, but we’re pretty sure that had it been left up for longer, he would have pulled a ‘fake news’ cry to the brand…
McDonald’s isn’t the first company to publicly distance itself from Trump, with Skittles and Tic Tacs both politely rejecting his claims in the past, but this has definitely been the most direct.
If 2016 was the year of realising things, perhaps 2017 is the year of finally saying them.
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This article originally appeared on The Debrief.