Apparently the stars of this year’s Love Island are having sex in the villa - but it just isn’t being shown on TV. According to The Sun Online, the producers have scrapped sex scenes in case contestants regret doing bits after the show is aired - and, in addition, today a source told the websitethat Anna and Jordan did have sex in the Hideaway last night.
Explaining why the erotic scenes aren't being shown on TV, a source previously told the website, ‘There's a few couples having sex in the villa but it hasn't been shown on TV - bosses are worried about upsetting them and fear ruining their lives.'
'Everyone is being extra careful about the well-being of the cast and how they will deal with the aftermath if their sex scenes are shown,’ they added. ‘Most of them have said they're not comfortable with their sex scenes being broadcast and bosses have taken it all into account - many go on to regret having sex on camera because of how they're viewed by the public and their employers. ' The insider added that the producers are being extra cautious with what they show on screen this year, following the deaths of former contestants Sophie Gradon and Mike Thalassitis. 'ITV bosses are being extra cautious and it's easier to not show the sex - if it happens it's alluded to in the commentary by Iain Stirling rather than explicitly shown.'
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